Patchouli essential oil is extracted from the dried leaves of the Pogostemon cablin plant and is characterized by its earthy, sweet and warm aroma. This essential oil is known for its calming and relaxing properties, being effective in relieving stress, anxiety and promoting a feeling of emotional balance. In addition, patchouli has anti-inflammatory and healing properties, being useful for treating skin problems such as eczema, acne and minor burns. It is also used in aromatherapy to induce feelings of calm and meditation, and is believed to help improve concentration and mental clarity. In short, patchouli essential oil offers a combination of benefits, from promoting relaxation and relieving skin problems to improving concentration, making it a popular essential oil in aromatherapy and personal care.
CONTAINER:5Kg, 10kg, 25Kg and 200Kg
INCI:Pogostemon Cablin Leaf Oil
CAS:8014-09-3 / 84238-39-1
La Pachira aquatica, también conocida como árbol del dinero, es una planta ornamental popular valorada por su aspecto atractivo y su asociación con la buena suerte y la fortuna en algunas culturas en las que se cree que atrae la fortuna y la riqueza, especialmente cuando se sitúa en lugares estratégicos dentro del hogar o lugar de trabajo.
La característica más distintiva de la Pachira aquatica es su tronco, que a menudo se trenza en forma de espiral. Esto se hace durante su crecimiento temprano para fortalecer el tronco. Las hojas son compuestas y digitadas, compuestas por varios folíolos de color verde brillante y con un brillo característico. Cada folíolo es ovalado o lanceolado.
En referente a los cuidados requeridos por la Pachira Aqutica, prefiere luz indirecta, riego regular y temperaturas cálidas. Es comúnmente utilizada como planta ornamental en interiores, oficinas y espacios comerciales debido a su atractivo aspecto y simbolismo asociado con la prosperidad.
Le coleus est connu pour être un bruleur de graisse.
Les compléments alimentaires ne sont pas des médicaments, ils ne peuvent remplacer une alimentation variée.
Ne pas dépasser la dose journalière conseillés. Ne convient pas aux femmes enceintes et allaitantes, ni aux enfants de moins de 12 ans.
Les personnes ayant des pathologies doivent consulter un professionnel de santé.
A conserver dans un endroit sec à l’abri de la lumière.
Castor oil has a rich history that dates back to ancient Egyptian civilizations. The castor plant, Ricinus communis, is native to East Africa and was brought to other parts of the world by Portuguese explorers. Today, it is cultivated worldwide as an ornamental plant and for the production of its oil.
Castor oil is known for its emollient and moisturizing properties, making it ideal for use in cosmetic and personal care products. It is also known to have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, making it an effective ingredient in the treatment of acne and other skin conditions.
The most common way to obtain castor oil is through cold pressing the seeds of the plant. The seeds contain a large amount of oil, approximately 50% of their total weight. The resulting oil is filtered and purified before use.
Le Myrte est l’un des arbustes les plus typiques du maquis Corse. C’est là, dans son biotope naturel, qu’on le prélève à la main. On distille les jeunes rameaux. La repousse est assez rapide et permet de répéter l’opération chaque année. Lorsque l’on distille le Myrte, on conserve l’eau de la première demi-heure de distillation car c’est là que les principes actifs végétaux sont les plus concentrés. Notre hydrolat est certifié par ECOCERT FR-BIO-01
En parfumerie, cosmétique mais aussi en aromathérapie, il apporte la note typique du vétiver avec des nuances fumées, terreuses et boisées. Il propose enfin d’excellents effets fixateurs. Cosmétique Elle possède des propriétés bienfaisantes pour le bien-être et pour la beauté. En cosmétique, elle est plutôt utilisée en soin pour la peau qu’en soin pour les cheveux.
Los cordyline son arbustos con hojas semejantes a hojas de palma , perennes. Las hojas salen como rosetas o mechones de hojas lineales y produce unas panículas terminales fragantes.
Straight from the Mediterranean, Europe, and USA, this
colorant, extracted from carthamus tinctorius, also known
as safflower, is completely natural and continues our clean label
commitment. Carthamus Extract provides shades of yellow to
orangish yellow when used alone, or can provide a variety of red
shades when blended with Paprika or Anthocyanins and Green when
combined with Spirulina. Such is the versatility of Carthamus
Carthamus is the perfect choice for your confectionery, beverage, bakery, dairy, or meat
Plant with densely packed foliage. Its stem has a dark bark and bears many branches. It has pointed, elliptical, dark green leaves, with a leathery texture and an intense aroma. It is a dioecious plant.
Very branched shrub with an erect and compact habit. It produces shiny green leaves on the top and silvery leaves on the underside. Its branches are slightly thorny. It has clusters of pendulous white flowers.
Rounded shrub or small tree. It has leaves with small, oval and glossy deep green leaflets. Its small flowers are pale green in female plants and red in male plants. It yields small berries, which turn black when ripe.